Hormone Calendar

Welcome to our Hormone Rejuvenation Calendar for cycling women. This calendar is designed to help you optimize your hormonal health by using natural approaches that support your body's natural rhythms. Here's how to use the calendar:

Apply hormone sprays to your soft tissues (inner forearm, elbow crease, and/or upper arm), with each spray applied in a new location, 15 minutes apart. Do this first thing in the morning and last thing at night, 5 days on and two days off, beginning on day 1 of your cycle. Write in the date and the day of the week according to day 1 of your cycle on your calendar so that each day you can see what sprays to use and when to take breaks.

Weeks one & two: Apply Estro & Testos sprays + drops, 5 days on, two days off, starting on day one of your cycle.

Weeks three & four: Apply Estro, Testos and ADD Progest sprays + drops, 5 days on, 2 days off. On the last week, use the sprays for 3 days, then take 4 days off. Your period should start within 72 hours of the 28th day. Start a new calendar on day one of your cycle.

If you are nearing menopause and your cycle is irregular, we are attempting to mimic a natural cycle. Start a new calendar on the day following the completion of day 28, so the next day starts day one on a new calendar. When your period stops fully, you will not need this calendar and will just be able to take everything Monday-Friday with weekends off, and we will increase your dose.

Please note that you cannot consume ANY caffeine on this protocol (this includes chocolate). Do not leave the remedies near your cell phone or a computer, and do not let them go through the X-Ray scanner at airport TSA checkpoints (they can manually check).

Remember to always use the remedies 5 days on, 2 days off, and to allow 5-15 minutes between each application. Nothing should be in the mouth for 15 minutes around the oral remedies (drops).

By following this Hormone Rejuvenation Calendar, you can support your body's natural rhythms and optimize your hormonal health. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at Dr. Dale Wellness.